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What's MGI Nano Spray MCI ?

Nano Spray MCI is a high-tech skin care products from Japan that can reducw the appearance of frown lines on the skin. accelerating the replacement of skin cells and helps prevent damage to cells and moisturizes sensitive skin.

How does Nano Spray MCI?

Nano Spray MCI can turn water into nano-size particles which are much smaller than the pores of the skin. making the nutrients readily absorbed perfect for facial beauty. Moisturize, tighten, stimulate the growth of skin cells and smothes wrinkles on the face.

Nano Spray MCI beauty products work using a high-speed vibration at a frequency of 1 MHz. Making split water molecules pass through the nano sized holes 700 so as to penetrate the pores of the skin with ease and melembabkannya. Even on skin that has been pro-make-up without merusak riasannya.

The Nanometer scale is usually between 0.1 to 100 nm (a nanometer is equal thousandth of a micrometer or one millionth of a milimeter) 

Nano Technology is a technology that involves atoms and molecules with sizes smaller than 1000 nanometers. That means the size can be as high as 100.000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Super kecil, super mungil. With substance to measuring one billionth of a met5er (nanometers) the nature and function of a subtance can be changed as desired.

Nano particles can penetrate the skin to the deepest layer of the epidemis. By washing the face, usually clean the dirt just above the surface of skin. while inside the skin , there are many deposits of fat, toxins and all causes of blemishes and acne. 

Nano Spray MCI can mendektosifkasi poison, lifting dirt and fat deposition, activates skin regenerations, rejuvenate and moisturize the skin to.

What fluids utilized by MCI Spray Nano?

Nano Spray MCI using material that is easy, inexpensive, save and not at risk, Beauty your face with enough oxygen-containing MINERAL WATER as Purence, Oxy, RO, Super O2 and Cleo etc.   

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